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The Cannonball Read Kicks Off This Sunday

By Nicole Fuscia | Miscellaneous | October 27, 2009 |

By Nicole Fuscia | Miscellaneous | October 27, 2009 |

We’re just a few days away from the start of Cannonball Read II: In My Pants: Electric Bookaloo: You Get the Idea. First, I just want to thank you for the overwhelming response we received, and I would like to apologize to those of you who wanted to join but didn’t make it in time. Seriously, I was so inundated with emails, Facebook messages, and Cannonball Read group posts that I just couldn’t get you all in. We eventually had to draw the line at some point. Please, though, if you still want to do it, by all means set up your blog and play along at home. It’s your chance to make your illiterate friends feel bad about themselves.

I know some of you have already started, but in the interests of fairness I’m going to count your first post on or after November 1st as Book 1, because several of you are sitting impatiently on your To Be Read piles, chomping at the bit (I blame my mother for introducing that phrase into my vocabulary) to get going. The rest of the guidelines have been posted, both here and in the Facebook group. I’m really excited for this, even though I’m going to need a cane and a seeing eye pony at the end. I cannot tell you enough how much it means to me that so many of you have jumped in so enthusiastically. We have a great mix of Eloquents and lurkers; in fact, the latter far outnumber the former, which is awesome, because we love it when lurkers jump in. True story.

So there you have it. We’ll be posting one review per day, rotating among all the blogs. This is your chance to shine, to see your name in lights, to be a superstar. Happy reading, y’all!