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A Portland Diner Owner Screamed at a Rotten Two Year Old and the Internet Lost Its Sh*t

By Dustin Rowles | Miscellaneous | July 20, 2015 |

By Dustin Rowles | Miscellaneous | July 20, 2015 |

A diner owner here in my home city of Portland, Maine came under fire over the weekend after she responded to a Facebook post in which a mother complained that the diner owner had screamed at her two-year-old child.


Here was diner owner’s response, where she admitted that she was “fucking nuts” and that she did yell that “rotten” kid to shut the fuck up.


I know Marcy’s Diner. It’s a quant-ish hole-in-the-wall that where you can get a decent breakfast and bad coffee for about $5. It’s the kind of place that still only takes cash. It’s across from the Children’s Museum, so it’s a popular breakfast place that parents who don’t know any better might take their kids to kill time before the museum opens. It’s very much an old-school Mainer establishment, the kind of place where — if smoking indoors were still allowed — the short order cook would probably have a butt in his lip while flipping pancakes. If you’re local, you know that. If you’re a tourist, maybe you don’t.

Indeed, the gruffness is part of its charm, and as a father of twins who insist on ordering too much and being incredibly loud in public places, I can sympathize with the parents here. But I can also sympathize with the owner to a degree. I’m smart enough that I would never take my chatty daughters to Marcy’s Diner because it is tiny and they would be incredibly disruptive in a place that serves a lot of brusque locals.

On the other hand, if you yell at my children, I will FUCKING OWN YOU. If you’re going to tell at anyone, yell at the parents. Leave the kid out of it, because the kid is not “rotten,” the kid is two years old, and sometimes two year olds are monsters. Don’t take it out on the kid. Take it out on the lousy parents who ordered their child pancakes and wouldn’t give the damn baby her food.

And yet, I still kind of love Marcy’s Diner, and the owner — and her “deranged” attitude — is exactly why. She’s Maine as fuck, y’all, and those parents need to sack up and grow a backbone.

Source: WCHS6