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Marvel Executive Teases an Intriguing Captain Marvel Casting Possibility with a Sly GIF

By Dustin Rowles | Marvel Movies | January 29, 2015 |

By Dustin Rowles | Marvel Movies | January 29, 2015 |

Ryan Penagos is the Executive Editorial Director for Marvel Digital Media Group and, and while I don’t exactly know what kind of clearance level a guy like that has, he clearly seems to have some insight into the Marvel Cinematic Universe. He also has a blog called Agent M Loves Tacos, where he frequently answers questions from Marvel fans with GIFs.

For instance, here’s his GIF response to an inquiry by a fan asking what his impressions of the Daredevil Netflix series are, so far:


Is that good?

He also knows enough about Marvel to have read two Jessica Jones scripts, so far, and suggested that Kilgrove, aka the Purple Man (David Tennant), is not likely to break the fourth wall in the series, as he does in the comics.

Asked if we’d see Namor in the Marvel Cinematic Universe anytime soon, however, Agent Taco had this response, which I’m pretty sure means “probably not”:


But then someone asked, “Can we have Natalie Dormer as Captain Marvel please?”

His response:


OK, how are we supposed to interpret that?

Does the swinging suggest she’s in the mix? Does the sly look suggest that Penagos knows something that we don’t know? Or do the fuck-me eyes just mean that Penagos is as infatuated with Dormer as the rest of us. Or MAYBE he just likes apples.

I went back and looked at the source from that GIF, where Natalie Dormer explains Isaac Newton’s Third Law of Gravity (no, really!) for clues:

Unfortunately, I lost my train of thought while watching Dormer languidly swing back and forth, but I think the gist of it was: “For every action, there’s an equal and opposite reaction,” and I don’t know what it means in this context, but I hope that, if anything, Katee Sackhoff is “equally and opposite” Natalie Dormer.

* Note: Dormer has actually appeared in the MCU in the first Captain America movie, but as the Marvel universe grows, they are going to eventually have to double dip, otherwise they will run out of actors.

(Source: Agent M Loves Tacos)