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The Sony Hack Reveals Marvel's Potential Spider-Man Plans

By Genevieve Burgess | Marvel Movies | December 13, 2014 |

By Genevieve Burgess | Marvel Movies | December 13, 2014 |

The Sony hack has leaked a lot of information that is extremely embarrassing for Sony on a lot of levels. Mostly, though, it just shows that the executives of Sony talk about their properties basically the same way we do, which is kind of charming in it’s own way. And I find it fascinating to see how some of these things are negotiated or discussed on such a high level. Anyway, one of the things that’s been uncovered is discussions between Sony and Marvel to share the rights to future Spider-Man movies and to reboot the entire series in the Marvel universe with no ties to the previous films. This would also scrap any new Spider-Man properties Sony was trying to develop, including that alarming Aunt May film that had been rumored.

But it would also mean that Andrew Garfield would no longer be Spider-Man and I know some of you were attached to his version of the character. I do find it interesting that Marvel says they want to shove Peter Parker’s romances, with Mary Jane or Gwen Stacy, off to side plots since they’ve been the central focus of the movies so far. I guess we’ll see what happens, although it does not appear that the deal with be finalized in time for the Civil War movie Marvel is working on.

In other Sony Hack news; CBS screwed over your grandma’s favorite game shows, and Angelina Jolie got to cap off her week with a case of chicken pox which I can’t directly blame on Sony but it probably didn’t help.