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Hey, Marvel! The Russo Brothers Say 'Hell Yeah' to a Black Widow Standalone Movie

By Cindy Davis | Marvel Movies | January 12, 2016 |

By Cindy Davis | Marvel Movies | January 12, 2016 |

Multiple Marvel film directors Joe and Anthony Russo (Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Captain America: Civil War, Avengers: Infinity War) are currently in China and doing Civil War-related interviews interviews. During the course of one of their

“Q & A sessions, a question we’ve all been asking for years arose (paraphrasing here): “Hey, how about giving Black Widow her own movie?” And the Russo brothers, being the smart, kickass filmmakers that they are, answered in the only way any sensible person would (not paraphrasing here): “HELL YEAH.” Because apparently Kevin Feige is the only person still unsure of Black Widow’s — and Scarlett Johansson’s — true value; might I suggest he should take a look at how another female heroine is doing in the polls? And maybe with the Russos joining Robert Downey, Jr., Jessica Chastain, Black Widow comic writer Nathan Edmondson and the fans, Marvel’s collective ears will perk up and pay attention.

Anthony and Joe (who’s also directing an episode of Agent Carter this season) also declared their love for both the Black Widow character, and the fabulous Scarlett:

“And we love Scarlett.”(Anthony)

“We find that the character is one of if not the richest character in the Marvel universe. A very complex character, haunted by demons and her understanding of the world is fascinating. I think there is a lot that can be done with that character.” (Joe)


I loved the Widow flashback snippets we got through the Scarlet Witch-induced vision; getting a little bit of background — and Johansson’s portrayal of barely contained emotions — was one of the best parts of Age of Ultron. That Marvel hasn’t yet planned or seen the wisdom in translating Window’s backstory to film is flat out willful stupidity, and the more fans and high profile people clamor for her, the better. Marvel just got a couple of proven volunteers for the job, and Kevin Feige is officially out of excuses.

Here’s the full Russo ***Mild Spoilers*** Civil War interview (Widow comments start at the 6:32 mark):

(And hey, don’t forget the toys!)

Cindy Davis, (Twitter)