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New Details on Who Will (And Won't) Appear in 'Captain America: Civil War'

By Genevieve Burgess | Marvel Movies | December 6, 2015 |

By Genevieve Burgess | Marvel Movies | December 6, 2015 |

We’ve still got six months to go before Marvel’s Captain America: Civil War is released. But rather than dare to leave us in suspense, we have information from Entertainment Weekly telling us exactly what we can expect to see in the film. Or, if not WHAT exactly, than WHO. Those of you who saw Avengers: Age of Ultron remember that certain characters made fairly dramatic exits towards the end of the movie. So are they showing up for Civil War?

“As for the others: Is The Hulk in Civil War?

Not in the movie. Or so we’re told. The Quinjet he rode off into the sunset is back, but there’s no sign of Bruce Banner.

Screenwriters Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely point out that this wasn’t a big loss, because Hulk wasn’t in the comic book series either. (Ruffalo will be turning up as the Hulk in 2017’s Thor: Ragnarok, however, but the god of thunder won’t be in the movie version of Civil War either.) “You put those guys in a fight, it’s over quickly. It’s like, ‘Well, we have the Hulk on our side.’ Oh, fine, then,” Markus says.”

That makes sense, both the Hulk and Thor are so much more ridiculously powerful than the other characters that it makes sense to keep them off to the side for this particular conflict. But, we’ll be getting a new addition to the team to make up for it. Probably.

“While visiting the set for EW, there was a particularly large battle going on involving many different characters from the film. Most of them, you know about already. But one, standing off to the side, was a stuntman wearing a very familiar red and blue suit that covered him from head to toe.

“Listen, if there was a cosplayer running around that set when you were there, I don’t know what to tell you,” Feige said.

Fair enough. But then, during the very same battle sequence, just hanging around off-camera, Robert Downey Jr. comes strolling by. He’s laughing and talking with his arm slung over the shoulder of a young man who, if Feige is right, is doing some pinpoint Tom Holland cosplay - and wearing a full Spider-Man suit, except for the mask.”

In addition to this info from the set visit, there’s also a long interview with Scarlett Johansson about Black Widow that gives away very little about Civil War and mostly deals with Widow’s state of mind heading into the new movie. From both pieces it seems like Johansson is the best cast member at keeping things under wraps.