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Marvel's 'Spider-Man' Movie Has a Title and Some Rumored Storyline/Villain Details

By Dustin Rowles | Marvel Movies | April 13, 2016 |

By Dustin Rowles | Marvel Movies | April 13, 2016 |

Advanced word from critics who have already seen Captain America: Civil War is that Tom Holland’s Spider-Man character steals the movie, in spite of the fact that he feels somewhat shoehorned into the storyline. Those who have seen the film, however, are stoked about this new Spider-Man now that he’s back where he belongs, with Marvel.

Being back where he belongs is something of a theme here, as it was revealed this morning that the title of the stand-alone Spider-Man film will be Spider-Man: Homecoming.

That is a reference to a Spider-Man storyline in the comics and, much to our relief, it’s not an origins storyline. “It’s obviously a high school reference and shows Peter Parker’s enduring conflict — saving the world and getting your homework done,” said Sony Pictures Motion Picture Chairman Tom Rothman. It’s also about Spider-Man returning home to New York City after the “Secret Wars,” or in this case, the “Civil War.” A clip shown at Sony’s CinemaCon also previewed Iron Man recruiting Spider-Man while he was in his apartment with Aunt May (Marisa Tomei) (Iron Man and Captain America had small roles in the “Homeland” storyline in the comics).

Meanwhile, Birth.Movies.Death is reporting that The Vulture is expected to be the villain in Homecoming, or at least one of them. (Sam Raimi had attempted, unsuccessfully, to use The Vulture in one of his Spider-Man flicks).