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Hayley Atwell Dressed As Agent Carter For Her Driver's License Photo

By Dustin Rowles | Marvel Movies | April 29, 2015 |

By Dustin Rowles | Marvel Movies | April 29, 2015 |

We don’t know yet if Agent Carter will return for a second season, though series star Hayley Atwell recently said at a panel that, thanks to fan response, it looks likely. We do know, however, that Atwell is definitely up for an Agent Carter movie (though it remains to be seen if Marvel will ever give her one). The truth is, we should, because Hayley Atwell is one of the most delightful actresses in television, and she has the potential to create a Norman Reedus-type following in social media. She is amazing on Twitter. To wit:

Last week, Atwell was stuck in an airport lounge with Captain America and tweeted the following:

Who else, besides Hayley Atwell, would also go to the DMV dressed as Agent Carter and have her driver’s license photo taken?

She’s amazing.