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Come Watch The 'X-Men: Days of Future Past' Gag Reel

By Genevieve Burgess | Marvel Movies | September 21, 2014 |

By Genevieve Burgess | Marvel Movies | September 21, 2014 |

You won’t be able to own X-Men: Days of Future Past for yourself (legally) until next month. But the gag reel has made its way onto the internet for anyone who enjoys watching James McAvoy fail at using a wheelchair, or other instances of very VERY talented actors and actresses making dumb faces at the camera.

Upsides: Lots of Jennifer Lawrence mugging between takes, Halle Barry effectively illustrating why Edna Mode is so anti-cape, Hugh Jackmen running one of his pecs straight into the camera.

Downsides: Not nearly enough Dinklage.