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Seth Meyers Expands His Trump Theory: 'I Think You Are Poor'

By Dustin Rowles | Late Night TV | October 4, 2016 |

By Dustin Rowles | Late Night TV | October 4, 2016 |

There’s not likely anything you haven’t already seen in Seth Meyers’ “Deeper Look” into Donald Trump’s tax situation. It begins with Trump’s Twitter tirade on Friday, and gets into Jake Tapper’s interview with Rudy Giuliani before Seth Meyers reiterates that a man who is running for President based on his business record lost $1 billion in a year, and while he still managed to personally profit on the loss, his investors lost over 90 percent of their investment. But there’s something to be said for having Seth Meyers gleefully taunt Donald Trump for his bad business decisions before suggesting the real reason that Trump hasn’t released his full tax records yet: “You are poor!” he taunts.

This election season may be awful, but Seth Meyers is having a great time.