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Seth Meyers Offered Trump A Presidency We Can All Live With

By Emily Cutler | Late Night TV | June 17, 2016 |

By Emily Cutler | Late Night TV | June 17, 2016 |

Let me ask you a serious question: assuming Trump did run for president as a joke, does that make winning the nomination better or worse? Because on the one hand, yes, it would be embarrassing if we as a country nominated someone whose entire persona was a joke. On the other hand, Trump’s actual persona is a joke anyway. I’m just not sure. Did we nominate a racist, sexist, asshole bigot or did we nominate a guy pretending to be racist, sexist, asshole bigot? Does that necessarily make a difference?

It might make a difference only if Joke Nominee Trump is willing to take Seth Meyers up on his very gracious offer.

Seriously, NBC, we need this. And let’s get real, it’s not like your ratings can possibly get worse. You started this with Trump’s one shitty show, now you need to end it.