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In 'People Who Aren't Garbage' News, Here's A Clip Of Mark Ruffalo On 'The Late Show With Stephen Colbert'

By Tori Preston | Late Night TV | November 1, 2017 |

By Tori Preston | Late Night TV | November 1, 2017 |

I don’t know about you, but I needed a palate cleanser this morning. A straight shot of celebrities being charming rather than trash for a change. And then I found out Mark Ruffalo was on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert last night. BINGO.

The Ruff, as I call him (in my head), stopped by to chat with Stephen about Thor: Ragnarok because it FINALLY comes out this week. He recounted his grandpa antics from the film’s premiere, where he got in trouble for accidentally live-streaming the first ten minutes of the film because Instagram is hard. Good thing Marvel can’t fire the Hulk! Or at least, they can’t until he’s done filming “Infinity War Part 2”…

I don’t know what’s more charming, honestly: Stephen asking Mark how his work in Spotlight informed his Hulk performance, or his suggestion for the best Thor/Hulk mashup name (which Marvel will never ever ever use). Enjoy!