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'Jokes Seth Can't Tell' Is The Best Goddamn Balancing Act in Late Night Television

By Emily Cutler | Late Night TV | April 5, 2017 |

By Emily Cutler | Late Night TV | April 5, 2017 |

As someone who merely covers late night TV, I can assure you that the writers of the shows have a pretty serious balancing to undertake. Do too little on politics (especially the Republican Babadook), and you’re seen as toothless (or as my brother-in-law now refers to Fallon “Caesar Flickerman”). Do nothing but politics, and oh my god, why do you keep doing this to us? I’m trying to take a break from all that garbage, and I just wanted to read some pop culture nonsense! Do you not even remember that you used to be a Michael Jackson fansite? STICK TO MOVIE REVIEWS.

That one might be a little more Pajiba specific. But the point is, Seth Meyers’ team has figured it out. May I once again present the best, only-slightly-depressing, four minutes of late night TV.

Amber and Jenny, you are magnificent, manic pixies of comedy. And if you’ve got another six minutes to kill, Late Night is also the best absurdist game in town.