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Jessica Williams Schooled Some Bernie-Or-Bust Supporters, And Then Rolled Out of 'The Daily Show'

By Emily Cutler | Late Night TV | July 1, 2016 |

By Emily Cutler | Late Night TV | July 1, 2016 |

Anyone who’s ever attended a younger sibling’s graduation at their former high school might understand how I felt watching Jessica Williams’ final Daily Show last night. I haven’t really been watching since Jon Stewart left for reasons, and going back made it clear how very much this isn’t my show anymore. Jessica Williams though? Well as the classic song goes, she’ll always be my baby.

Like when she decided she didn’t want to bring all these “fucks” and “shits” with her to her new show, so she ran out of them on this group of Asshole Bernie-Or-Bust Supporters (yes, that’s their official name.)

The primaries have been contentious for a lot of us, so I’ve mostly opted out of all the coverage. I’m voting for Hillary, nothing about that will be changing my mind, I’d rather not needlessly enrage myself with the garbage that too many jackasses can say. But I can appreciate how flawlessly Williams threaded the needle on this piece. 22 percent of Bernie supporters say they’ll vote for Trump over Hillary. That’s way too many. But she makes sure to cite that statistic. Her argument isn’t with Bernie supporters in general or with the candidate and his politics. It’s with a small, but shockingly stupid group of asshole voters. Ridiculing those asshats won’t be contentious to anyone who isn’t a prick, and it is a glorious thing to watch.

Also glorious to watch? The Jessica Williams Kicks Ass Montage. Hang on to it for all of your low moments. It kicks so much ass.

And just once more for old times’ sake.


Bless you, Jessica Williams.