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James Corden Performs with the Single Best Boy Band of Them All, The Backstreet Boys

By Courtney Enlow | Late Night TV | September 28, 2016 |

By Courtney Enlow | Late Night TV | September 28, 2016 |

That’s right, I said it. Take your bronze-and-silver-medal NKOTB and NSYNC fuckery over there BECAUSE IT’S BACKSTREET TIME, ALRIGHT.

James Corden announced last night that he wants to bring back boy bands—proper boy bands who dance and wear matching outfits. None of this One Direction bullshit—true boy bandery.

And then he brought out SOME GODDAMN ICONS: Alexander James McLean, Kevin Scott Richardson, Brian Thomas Littrell, Nicholas Gene Carter and Howie Dorough (because yes I did that from memory and double yes, in true “other one” fashion, I’m sorry, Howie, I don’t remember your middle name). Backstreet was back. ALRIGHT!

The Backstreet Boys are starting a Las Vegas residency and I’m starting a Kickstarter for you people to send me there and cover them as their personal blogger. FOR PROFESSIONALISM. FOR JOURNALISM. I STILL KNOW THE DANCE.

And as long as we’re at it.

And just for good measure because this is just a really good song.