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The 'Mystery' of Jake Gyllenhaal's Height Is Finally Solved. Sort Of

By Dustin Rowles | Late Night TV | October 2, 2015 |

By Dustin Rowles | Late Night TV | October 2, 2015 |

You all know how huge a fan we are here of Starlee Kine’s Mystery podcast, in which she endeavors to solve a mystery that cannot be otherwise be easily solved. One such mystery in the first season of the podcast was the height of Jake Gyllenhaal, a question she spent a great deal of time trying to nail down in one of her episodes, only to end up in a amazing phone conversation with Gyllenhaal himself, who proved himself to be one of the coolest, funniest, most self-effacting guys in Hollywood.

He topped himself this week on Conan, when Starlee Kine appeared on the show and was queried by Conan about that mystery. Gyllenhaal had told her in the phone conversation that he was 5’11 and a half, but it did not — for some reason — end the mystery, because some doof onine said that the source (Gyllenhaal himself) wasn’t reliable and others allied with the doof.

Jake showed up last night on Conan and agreed to be measured, because he is the best. Did it finally solve the mystery?

No, not really.