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'Full Frontal' Takes On Lobbyists In The Season's Weakest Segment

By Emily Cutler | Late Night TV | September 20, 2016 |

By Emily Cutler | Late Night TV | September 20, 2016 |

I need to temper my criticism by saying that I love Sam Bee, I love her show, and I fully understand that no one can nail it every single time. But last night’s attempted take down of lobbyist-superdelegates didn’t work.

For starters, I’ve watched the video three times, and still can’t quite figure out who the intended target it. Is it actually lobbyists? Or payday lenders? Or the DNC for not knowing enough about optics to understand that they shouldn’t have a lobbyist as a superdelegate? Are we just throwing all the shitty shit into the story to make sure something lands?

Because there is definitely a story here, it’s just not the one Full Frontal is trying to tell. Ignoring the possibility that payday lenders might not be as bad as we think, ignoring — wait, actually payday lenders might actually be terrible, ignoring that the DNC and Clinton campaign clearly don’t understand that how a thing looks is as important as what it is, and ignoring that apparently just any asshole can set up a non-profit for tax breaks (this is where I would insert a hyperlink to Community Loans of America Care’s website, but they don’t have one. Which in 2016 is a totally normal thing for a reliable business to do. You can call them to confirm if you’d like), I have to come back to the question.)

Do you think it’s fair to say that the majority of lobbyists are good, average people? And moms? And students? And small business owners?

It’s a great question, and one that doesn’t have a readily apparent answer. One that I would have really liked for you to answer. Because the perception that lobbyists are tapeworm-ticks is prevalent, but not necessarily verified. Because if the DNC are the ones fucking up by not realizing how bad a lobbyist-superdelegate would look, it’s not this poor schmuck’s fault.


You got sloppy on this one, Bee. It happens, but you’re too good to let it happen often.

Emily Chambers still really loves Full Frontal, and considers it required viewing. Especially this shit.