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BTS Will Be On Jimmy Fallon For A Week Or How I Learned I’m Officially An Old Person

By Andrew Sanford | Late Night TV | September 24, 2020 |

By Andrew Sanford | Late Night TV | September 24, 2020 |

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I graduated from the American Musical and Dramatic Academy (no big deal) in 2009. When I emerged from the program I had one question, “Who are the Jonas Brothers?” I’m used to being behind as far as what the Hip Cats and Mack Daddies are cheesing on. Today I had another one of those moments when I found out that BTS would be doing a week-long stint on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon.

I’m gonna be real candid with y’all for a second: Until earlier this year, I legitimately thought that when I would see BTS in headlines that it was referring to “Behind The Scenes.” I am not proud of this. Am I more apt to listen to a Huey Lewis and the News album than, say, the newest Dua Lipa bop (nailed it)? Sure. However, I know who she is. In an attempt to embarrass my eight-year-old niece I try to stay, at least, peripherally current. Having this blind spot for BTS made me feel as though I failed my Trivial Pursuit of a life.

So I did some digging and have discovered that BTS is MEGA popular. With all seven members hailing from South Korea, they’re actually an international sensation, which I think is boss. Rad, even. This is just the first time that they’ve crossed over into “my world” in such a major way. I’ve never heard a single song by them. Therefore, I felt that now was as good a time as any to start.

I’m going to stop writing this piece and watch their performance on Jimmy Fallon from earlier this year. Video below. Thoughts to follow.

Ya know what? That was pretty darn entertaining and not just cause I miss Grand Central Terminal! First off, I’m a sucker for solid choreography. There’s something undeniably charismatic about the group. You’ll also win me over if you bust out some trumpets. Oh, and those falsettos! I like.

I’m not saying I stan BTS now. I’m not even sure if I’m using stan correctly. However, chances are I’ll watch them on Fallon next week with all my fellow cool cats and kittens. That’s something I did not expect to say when I started writing this. All it took was me stepping out of my self-imposed comfort zone.

Header Image Source: NBC