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LWT Lead.png

John Oliver's Surprisingly Chipper Take On Lead Poisoning Might Brighten Your Day

By Emily Cutler | Last Week Tonight | April 18, 2016 |

By Emily Cutler | Last Week Tonight | April 18, 2016 |


I’ve long hypothesized that Mr. Oliver reads our site religiously and takes copious amount of notes. What I didn’t really is that this fucking guy really is trying to communicate with us. Or more importantly, me. See last week, I laid out how the only realistic solution to the intricately woven problems facing our society is to give up.

Because really, what else can you do? We’ve had evidence for nearly 50 years that lead is dangerous to children, and we still can’t get our collective shit together to fix it. Even when we know it’s in all of our best interest. If you can’t societally rally around the idea that we should pay money so that children stop dying, then why the fuck shouldn’t we just burn the whole place to the ground and be done with it? Well?

Jesus, I didn’t realize he was going to bust out the big guns. Singing and muppets? Ok fine, John. You win.