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Now You Can Own Your Very Own Trump Action Figure (NSFW)

By Bekka Supp | Horror | February 27, 2017 |

By Bekka Supp | Horror | February 27, 2017 |

How fortunate we are to be living at the birth of a renaissance! We’re surrounded by artists who are taking tremendous stands in the name of art. Artists like the actors and actresses awarded (or outrightly robbed) for amazing performances this year, or Lin Manuel Miranda (I get it now, guys) and his musical congress presenting a long-forgotten story of our nation’s past. Artists surround us on all sides. Literally.

Eaaaasy there, Joy Villa.

Yes, art is surrounding us in more and more ways. Pieces that provoke thought, anger, inspiration, love, and sometimes downright unencumbered joy.

So it comes as no surprise that art would evolve in this short time. Especially when it comes to speaking out in defiance of our dear leader President* Trump. Enter Plastic Jesus and his monument on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

In an interview with The Independent, the artist known as Plastic Jesus spoke about the inspiration for his work:

As an artist my work is inspired by News, current affairs, and culture. I think Trumps policies will be hugely damaging to the USA and the rest of the world. The USA is made up from immigrants… to build a wall would just be idiotic. The pretence that it would protect Americans from threats and crime is just crazy. Most of the threats to the life and safety of Americans comes from American citizens…

Plastic Jesus has been vocal with his “stop making stupid people famous” stand, as is evidenced by his signs and posters that have adorned Los Angeles in recent years.

While some artists have taken more classic approaches to showcase their subversion, like R. Sikoryak, who takes Trump quotes and puts them on comic book covers, another man has taken a beloved children’s toy and turned it into an aptly named caricature. Chuck Williams, a former Walt Disney Company senior sculptor and current resident of Wisconsin, has used his skills for good, or evil depending on how the following sits with you.

I present, the Donald Trump Troll.


Fun fact: Everything is 100% sculpted to scale. The Troll Doll comes with a tiny Android phone, realistic crow’s feet surrounding his natural skin tone eyes, which are enveloped by a skin tone not found in nature. Oh, and his hands. The tiny hands were not a mistake. In an interview with Huffington Post, Williams said, “I wanted to be a bit insulting. Tiny hands you know”.

He created a Kickstarter campaign and it wasn’t long before his goal of $38,000 was met and then some- to the tune of $365,989. The troll doll is available for purchase through his Kickstarter and costs $25.

Fly, my pretties. Fly! (Also, sorry for the horrors you have seen here. Also, the following picture is stacked with assholes.)
Have a blessed day!