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Warning: You're Not Prepared For Kelly Clarkson's 'Hamilton' Cover

By Kristy Puchko | Hamilton | November 4, 2016 |

By Kristy Puchko | Hamilton | November 4, 2016 |

You know how when you listen to Hamilton’s soundtrack, there’s that point where you know you need to stop or else risk crying on the subway, weeping at the gym or sobbing openly at the grocery store? For me it’s Eliza belting out “Burn.” By the time we get to “Quiet Uptown,” I am a human puddle, all Secret World of Alex Mack style. But at least I knew it was coming. Now, with the Hamilton mixtape delivering pop covers of the Broadway sensation’s heartbreakers, be prepared to be rendered an emotional wreck as one traipses across the airwaves while you’re Christmas shopping or fueling up your car.

Today to celebrate the pre-order for the latest must-have for Hamilfans, Kelly Clarkson has revealed her cover of “Quiet Uptown.” It’s lovely. It’s a vibrant retooling. And it’s not safe for work, in that it will have you ugly crying at your desk.

Kristy Puchko isn’t crying. It’s just raining on her face. A lot.