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Oh, You're Planning to Dress as David S. Pumpkins For Halloween? So Is Everyone Else

By Vivian Kane | Halloween | October 24, 2016 |

By Vivian Kane | Halloween | October 24, 2016 |

You’ve got one week until Halloween, and less if you need a costume for weekend-of festivities. At this point, if you still don’t know what you’re dressing up as, you’re getting close to the mad scramble point. Friday afternoon, you’ll either be rummaging through your for some combination of items you can arrange as a visual pun, or you’ll be braving the Spirit Store crowds.

And then this weekend, Tom Hanks showed up on your TV and in one of the weirdest Saturday Night Live sketches of recent history, showed you you’re perfect Halloween costume.

For people who love Halloween, but aren’t crafty and don’t want to blow huge amounts of cash or even get too over-the-top elaborate, David S. Pumpkins is a dream costume. It’s a great, weird outfit, it’s highly topical, and gives you built in ice breakers for whatever parties you end up at. (No one has to know who you are. That’s the potentially insufferable joke!)

So were you thinking about dressing up as David S. Pumpkins this weekend? Well, too bad. Because so was everybody else who watched SNL this weekend. Spirit is selling this spot-on suit.


And it’s sold out. So is this one on Amazon.


If you don’t mind the almost embarrassing inaccuracy (does everyone’s neuroses not manifest in an over-investment in costume details? Weird), Party City has its own version. (Assuming you’re a small or a large, because the other sizes are, of course, sold out.)


My suggestion? Cut those legs into hotpants and no one will even notice the inaccuracies in you David “Sexy” Pumpkins outfit.