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In Honor of National Grilled Cheese Day, Here's an Encore Posting of The 100 Cheesiest Quotes of All Time

By Dustin Rowles | Guides | April 12, 2012 |

By Dustin Rowles | Guides | April 12, 2012 |

On the heels of the success of his 100 Greatest Quotes from the Wire video (which has been viewed 338,000 times), as well as The ‘Other’ 100 Greatest Quotes of All Time video, the illustrious Harry Hanrahan continues his 100 Greatest Quotes series. This time, he’s going in a completely different direction, away from the “Greatest” quotes, and full-on face first into The 100 Cheesiest Movie Quotes of All Time. It is spectacular — ten beautiful minutes of one cringe right after another. When you’re done watching it, you’re going to look like someone who recently suffered from a stroke. Just ignore the twitch and bathe in the cheese.

It’s Turkey Time. Gobble Gobble!