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What Does Hodor Mean, According to the Actor Who Plays Him on 'Game of Thrones'?

By Dustin Rowles | Game of Thrones | August 17, 2015 |

By Dustin Rowles | Game of Thrones | August 17, 2015 |

For the casual viewer of Game of Thrones, like myself, Hodor is both the name of a character on the show and a funny nonsense word that he utters because that character is soft in the brain.

But what if there is more to the name than that? What if the word “Hodor” actually plays into the storyline? What if Hodor is like a homing signal? And he’s reaching out to someone or something?

Who knows? Well, Kristian Nairn, who plays Hodor, doesn’t know, but he has some ideas, as he tells HuffPo. For instance, it could be related to the Norse God of Winter, Höðr.

“George [R.R. Martin] calls on mythology in his writing. Does he do anything by accident? I don’t know. It could be part of the whole ‘winter is coming’ thing; the others, the actual White Walkers — he could somehow be connected to them.”

That is actually part of a fan theory, which you’ll have to ask someone more knowledgable of Game of Thrones fan theories to explain. For their part, HuffPo summarizes:

Nairn is referring to the fan theory that Hodor may actually be associated with the White Walkers, or could even be their god. The theory presumes that Hodor is actually an agent of The Great Other, the god of darkness and cold who in “Thrones” is the possible enemy of R’hllor, Melisandre’s Red God. It’s also said that The Great Other is another name for the Night’s King, who we finally met in Season 5. Could Hodor be allies with the White Walkers? Is “winter is coming” actually all about Hodor?


But Nairn suggests another possibility that he’s more taken with: “I would like there to be a dragon and the word to control it is ‘Hodor.’ He somehow tames it with the word ‘Hodor.’”

Is Hodor the King of the Dragons?


Source: HuffPo