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This 'Game Of Thrones' Ship Is Our New Obsession

By Kristy Puchko | Game of Thrones | May 16, 2016 |

By Kristy Puchko | Game of Thrones | May 16, 2016 |

We’ve got recaps coming your way set to relish on all the OMFG of last night’s Game of Thrones. But can we talk about the scene stealer of all scene stealers?

Slight spoilers. Requisite GIF buffer

Tormund Giantsbane + Brienne of Tarth!!!

From the moment Brienne rode into Castle Black, towering knight of the realness, the woolly Wildling was literally drop-jawed in awe.

Then Tormund had some face time with this epic fellow warrior and made a play in a none-too-subtle but we’re into it way:

I mean, it shouldn’t be a surprise. Dude comes from a land where giants are real, and Gwendoline Christie has got them stems!




But Kristofer Hivju is no slouch. His ginger beard is the lustrous and burly that Brooklyn hipsters would kill for. I mean behold! It’s so thick you could just swing from it!




And his on top of head game is on point to boot!

Next to “Sansa murders Ramsey Bolton in a garish, prolonged, and delicious display of brutality,” this romance is getting ON top of our WANTS list this season.

Now there’s just one thing to determine: what do we call this ship? GiantsBrienne? TarthMund? TorTarth? BrienMund?

Let’s work it out so the flood of fan art can begin and be glorious!