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Try to Concentrate While 'Game of Thrones' Natalie Dormer Says Some Words About Season 6

By Cindy Davis | Game of Thrones | January 7, 2016 |

By Cindy Davis | Game of Thrones | January 7, 2016 |

Natalie Dormer appeared on Jimmy Kimmel Live! the other night and she said some words, but I don’t have much idea what they were because uh…


Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, try to concentrate


while Dormer calms Kimmel’s (and our) frustrations and fears about Jon Snow, and whether the HBO series will align with George R. R. Martin’s last two Song of Ice and Fire books (including the delayed Winds of Winter).

***Minor Spoilers: Dormer gives away one of her filming locations during the video.***

I love that she watches the show along with the rest of us, with no idea what happens to characters other than her own (and those who interact with her). NATALIE DORMER IS JUST LIKE US (maybe watches in her underwear, too?).

“It’s fresh clean snow (Snow?) for all of us.”

Everybody say, “Hmm…”

On a related note, GRRM thanked everyone for their patience and kind reactions to his TWoW tardiness:

“The outpouring of support in response to my post on THE WINDS OF WINTER has been astonishing.

Thank you all, so very much…I cannot tell you how much I appreciate all the kind words and good wishes.”


Cindy Davis, (Twitter)