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Kit Harington Just Spoiled Jon Snow's 'Game of Thrones' Fate

By Cindy Davis | Game of Thrones | September 15, 2015 |

By Cindy Davis | Game of Thrones | September 15, 2015 |

This is not a drill, people. Speaking with Belgian magazine Humo, it would appear Jon Snow does indeed know something.

***Spoiler Warning, obvs — Read ahead at your own risk***


It’s nothing we didn’t already know in the back of our dark hearts, but here’s the Google translation of Harington’s response to whether Game of Thrones has been a “blessing or a curse”:

“…That series is a bit of a double edged sword for me, I have too many to thank, but she absorbs me almost completely. Well, I try not to think too much about it. The important thing now is that I know exactly how long I was still under contract lie, and that I in between …”

Or as translated by Sirilicious in the comments below:

“The most important thing now is that I know exactly how long I’ll still be under contract and that in the meantime i can…”

Harington is then asked how many seasons he has yet to go:

“Nice try [laughs] I can not say anything about that. Let’s just say Game of Thrones still remains as I live; when it’s over, I’ll probably be already in their thirties. One thing I know for sure: the day I no longer Thrones will sit, is the day I will bury myself in the film project [laughs].”

By Sirilicious:

Hah, nice try. I am not allowed to say anything about that. Let’s just say that GoT will be in my life for a while longer, I’ll probably be in my thirties before it is over [not sure if he means his involvement or the series] . One thing i know for sure: the day I am no longer in Thrones, is the day i will bury myself in movie projects.

The actor also spoke about the rigors of shooting, and shared that showrunner and writer David Benioff is just as close-mouthed on set, as off:

“There are some colleagues who continually to sit guess, or at David…constantly sit fish to know what’s going to happen to them, “Tell me, David, I get next season a knife in my back? ” [laughs] But David will not budge. Now, once we were still in the books of George RR Martin will look to know what was going to happen. But now we come to the point that the series has overtaken the books now is really all possible. Let the speculation begin [laughs].”

Finally, asked directly about his “long Jon Snow hairs” and being expected back on set, Harington remembered to play coy.

“Or maybe I’m just attached to my coupe [laughs].”

Shazam! Oh, and thank you Google translate for your, uh…interesting take on Dutch to English.


Put together with Harington sightings at shooting locations — including the filming of a recent battle scene — and director Jeremy Podeswa’s assertion that Snow’s apparent death is a huge cliffhanger, and I think we can safely say there’s no doubt more Snow is coming. All that’s left is to figure out exactly how he lived; is it Melisandre magic, or what?

(via Reddit and Watchers on the Wall [Warning: more filming Spoilers at that link])

Cindy Davis, (Twitter)