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Jaqen and Arya Discuss 'GoT's' Hall of Faces, Iain Glen and Peter Dinklage on Jorah's News

By Cindy Davis | Game of Thrones | May 19, 2015 |

By Cindy Davis | Game of Thrones | May 19, 2015 |

In its better moments, this week’s “Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken

Warning: Spoilerish episode discussion ahead —

focused on two very quiet and moving scenes, the first of which followed Maisie Williams’ Arya Stark discovering the Hall of Faces, explained in this behind-the-scenes video featuring Williams and Tom Wlaschiha (Jaqen H’gar). As the actor eloquently notes, “Once people are dead, their faces get taken from them and…um, put up for further use.” Also discussed are the art and desired aesthetic for the House of Black and White’s various rooms, and some of the faces hung in that hall (Benioff and Weiss are among them!):

George R. R. Martin talks about the specific requirements of Arya’s philosophical journey:

As much as I loved Arya’s discovery, by far my favorite scene was of Tyrion’s accidental revelation to Jorah, explored here by Mormont’s equally thoughtful portrayer, Iain Glen, and the marvelous Peter Dinklage. (Watch Glen’s face as he speaks of his (fictional) father.) Listening to the two men speak, I got choked up all over again.

“…but Tyrion and Jorah, we keep each other alive.”

Is that a spoiler, because aaaaah, thank goodness!

Finally, as of today, you can listen to Littlefinger himself (Aidan Gillen) narrating Sun Tzu’s The Art of War. (H/T Jake Oliver)

“This was a fascinating book to narrate, with surprisingly apt insights into modern life on every page. And as an artistic endeavor, The Art of War was a natural progression from the Machiavellian strategist I play on television. It turns out Sun Tzu and Littlefinger have a lot in common.”

Here’s a sample:

Cindy Davis, (Twitter)