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How Desperate Are Game of Thrones Fans for SPOILER to Not Be Dead?

By Cindy Davis | Game of Thrones | June 29, 2015 |

By Cindy Davis | Game of Thrones | June 29, 2015 |

I don’t know how long it’s necessary to do such things, but here’s the obligatory…

***Spoiler Warning: Season 5 finale spoilerish discussion ahead. If you’re not caught up, fly away.


So uh, you know how at the end of “Mother’s Mercy,” Jon Snow was killed by Olly and the Mutinous Bastards™? Well, it should come as no surprise that many fans just can’t accept — no matter what Kit Harington or the director and showrunners say — that Jon is truly dead and gone forever. I’m right there beside those people, I really am, but no matter how his possible return comes about, I think this latest hunt for signs of life is stretching it.

Over at MTV, Josh Wiggler writes that he’s been urged by several people to rewatch the moment of Snow’s death, specifically to watch Jon’s eyes for an color change that could indicate him changing to a wight, or signify his transformation (recalling the R + L = J ***Spoiler, swipe to see: Are Jon’s eyes changing to Targaryen violet? **End Spoiler), or could the color change signify he’s warged-out? I’m down with any of the theories, because I don’t believe for a second that Jon is gone for good, but suggesting a color change is happening here is just plain WHACKADOODIE (yes, I made up that word):



I even zoomed on over to HBO Go and rewatched the death scene a few times. I squinted, I stared, I scrunched up my face and still…nothing. But, as Dustin notes, this could be Game of Thrones’ Blue/Black/Gold/White dress moment.

So, help us out — even though I don’t need any goddamned help — and tell us if you see anything happening in Jon’s eyes. All I see is the usual photographic pupil glare/flare of light. But, I totally think Jon will be back; there’s a reason Melisandre returned to the wall.

(gif and image via MTV)

Cindy Davis, (Twitter)