By Cindy Davis | Game of Thrones | June 2, 2015 |
By Cindy Davis | Game of Thrones | June 2, 2015 |
I think we can all agree that this past Sunday’s Game of Thrones was, if not the best, one of the series’ best episodes. Though everything leading up to the final twenty minutes was pretty great, it was the spectacular battle scenes that took “Hardhome” to the next level. And what a gloriously, GIF-tastic last quarter (or so) it was.
***Spoilers for the episode, obvs.
The goodbye we knew would last forever.
A gate that could never hold.
It begins.
Can’t keep a good man down.
Our favorite warrior.
Through it all, the hair remained enviable.
Just on my way to fetch some dragonglass…
Giants take no shit.
And, are smart enough to evacuate the building before the White Walker shows up.
This one wants a showdown.
If only victory lasted longer.
We are not pleased.
but, not infallible.
A voice of reason.
A miracle it held this long.
One more before he leaves.
I am Giant.
Fuck this shit.
When you don’t want to give up…
but, must admit defeat.
And it’s even worse than you knew,
because the enemy has dark magic on his side.
And he likes to gloat.
Show me the way to go home…
(all images via HBO)