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Emilia Clarke's 'Game of Thrones' Body Double Is Getting Her Own Part in the Show

By Cindy Davis | Game of Thrones | April 21, 2015 |

By Cindy Davis | Game of Thrones | April 21, 2015 |

You’ve likely never heard of model and actress, Rosie Mac before, but you’ve already seen her on one of your favorite series — and she’s about to come into her own role. The 19-year old has been working on Game of Thrones this season as Emilia Clark’s body double, and excitedly posting on and off set photos of herself, along with other doubles and cast members to her Instagram and Facebook. ***Spoiler warning — because they’re on set, you may want to avoid these photos:

doubling for #daenerys Leaked image OF me on google cant wait for Season 5 #WinterIsComing

A photo posted by Actress Model Dancer (@rosiemacc) on

So #GameOfThrones is out tomorrow and this pic describes how i feel ha #extatic #Daenerys #khaleesi #Daenerysdouble #got

A photo posted by Actress Model Dancer (@rosiemacc) on




Apparently Mac is doing so well standing in for Clarke that she’ll soon have her own Game of Thrones part. Virginia Macari (Dublin Housewives, Celebrity Salon), who’s hired Mac as a bikini model, recently told Metro, “The producers loved her so much that they’ve written a part for her. She is about to become an international star.”

Lil selfie

A photo posted by Actress Model Dancer (@rosiemacc) on

Hmm…any guesses at who she’ll play?

Cindy Davis, (Twitter)