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Could the 'Game of Thrones' Season Finale Feature a Surprise Return?

By Cindy Davis | Game of Thrones | May 28, 2015 |

By Cindy Davis | Game of Thrones | May 28, 2015 |

****SPOILER ALERT: This post features speculation which involves a book storyline. If you want no part of book and/or possible show spoilers, back on out of this post right now. The spoilerish stuff begins below the fire-breathing gif.


You guys, this is VERY EXCITING, if not slightly far-fetched. As of yesterday, there were only episode titles and descriptions for this Sunday’s “Hardhome,” and the penultimate episode, “The Dance of Dragons.” As of a little while ago, got the season finale title and description, and putting that together with what seemed like an imdb error back in February, they’ve speculated that we may indeed be seeing a familiar face that many book readers were disappointed not to see at the end of last season. The name of the finale is “Mother’s Mercy,” and according to its description, features a challenge to Jon, Stannis’ march on Winterfell, Dany surrounded by strangers, and Cersei…well, you know. Now, despite our outcry near the end of season 4, the actress’ denials and numerous parties dancing around the subject, could it be we’re finally going to see Lady Stoneheart, aka Mother Merciless?

Back in February, Michelle Fairley’s IMDB page looked like this:


and though the “hooded woman” bit was quickly brushed away as an error by Fairley’s representative, it could be everyone was just trying to keep a secret…secret. Putting that (mis)information together with the finale title “Merciless Mother” (which could of course refer to Cersei or Daenerys), and Benioff’s shifty statement,

“People will complain about things because they don’t know what’s coming up ahead…Sometimes we’re going in a different order or telling a different story. We think the story will all make sense at the end. “

I think there’s easily enough wibbly-wobbly stuff going on here for us to get at least a teensy bit excited at the possibility. Can you just imagine if Lady Stoneheart shows up at Winterfell?

Cindy Davis, (Twitter) wants to believe.