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A Guide To Coping With 'Game Of Thrones': Focus On The Silver Linings

By Kristy Puchko | Game of Thrones | May 22, 2015 |

By Kristy Puchko | Game of Thrones | May 22, 2015 |

Being a Game of Thrones fan can be tough, what with the callous sucker punches the show likes to dish out like candy. After those events of “Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken,” I’d considered giving up this series that I’ve spent years geeking out over. Because really, how much of this darkness am I supposed to take before I admit Game of Thrones is just not that fun anymore?

But I’m no quitter. Or I’m a glutton for punishment. Whichever, I’ve made a list of the good things we’ve seen Game of Thrones. So, we can focus on these when the show takes lemons and decides not to make lemon cakes, but more rape scenes.

Sansa has become one hell of a seamstress.

Hot Pie has found gainful employment.

Jon Snow has evolved out of his larval stage of whiny bag of suck.

Ellaria Sand in all her disco fabulousness.

Chickens are plentiful.

At least Dany’s gotten to see that Daario D.

Joffrey died, and with the all the gruesome violence and public display we could have hoped for!

Ser Pounce.

Bronn has a lovely singing voice.

Drunk Cersei.


Between Cersei, Margaery and Olenna, TV hasn’t had so much high-level shade throwing since Golden Girls was cancelled.

Despite all odds, Fat Walda seems happy at Moat Cailin.

Pod’s gotten to be a lover, and will be a fighter!

We don’t have to pretend to care about Bran this season.

Lollys face.


Dragons are cool.

Ser Barristan paid off that super knight rep with an epic battle before he bit it.

Tyrion is still going strong.

Samwell got a pep talk from Stannis The Mannis that was all, “We can be heroes…”

Oberyn Martell, he’s gone but lives on in our dirty, dirty dreams.




We never have to see Lady Aryn breastfeed her tween brat ever again.


Brienne lives! (Though damn I wish they’d give her more to do than friendly stalk.)

Arya hasn’t been raped. Yet.

Kristy Puchko listens to “Rains of Castamere” when she’s furious, so don’t cross her.