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UPDATED -- Subscription Addiction: Bright Cellars Delivers A Perfect Cheese Spread

By Kristy Puchko | Food Porn | April 12, 2017 |

By Kristy Puchko | Food Porn | April 12, 2017 |

If you love wine, but don’t know much about it, Bright Cellars is an ideal subscription service. They offer a sweet and simple quiz, then send you four bottles picked precisely for your tastes. And now, they’ve applied this same concept and Bright Points algorithm to the cheeses you could pair with your picks. Selecting from over 900 different cheeses, Bright Cellars promises you something special for your cheese board.

Now, I’m the kind of girl who can sit down with a block of cheddar, perfectly content. But I’m also the girl that will knock people down in her haste to get to the fancy cheese board at any given posh event. (I’m also known to put together a mean platter of my own.) So, I was absolutely giddy over this offer.


How It Works
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As illustrated by this screengrab of Bright Cellar’s website, all you need to do is fill out a brief survey that maps your flavor profile, approve the four cheeses selected especially for you, and pony up $55. The questions on the survey include “How do you like your coffee?” and how you prefer to eat cheese (at a wine tasting? with friends? with a book?), and how adventurous you’re willing to be with your options.


I chose the “surprise me” option. From there, I was promised four cheeses that boasted Bright Points scores of 91 to 97, the higher the number the more confident Bright Cellars is that I’ll go gaga for that cheese.

How It Went
Clock Shadow Creamery: Quark

The highest point value went to the quark, which is a fluffy cheese that’s mild and slightly sweet. I followed the first serving suggestion, and paired it with some fresh berries and a drizzle of honey.

Fancy quark DIY dessert!

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It was delightful, and allowed me to feel quite fancy. It’s also good with crackers, and easy to eat with a spoon straight out of its resealable bowl.

Armada: Sublime Lime Cheddar

Look. I love me some cheddar, but I raised an eyebrow over throwing citrus in the mix. Yet this cheese—with the lowest compatibility score—was the first one I cut through. It’s got a nice bite, and the lime twist made it a zesty ingredient for a wide array of recipes. I did eat some slivers night cheese style. But others I added to Western Omelettes, tacos, and sandwiches. It gave each one a little bit of zing. This is the most versatile of the bunch.

Caerphilly: Misty Isles

A bit creamy and a bit crumbly, a bit savory and a bit sweet, this Welsh cheese has found its way into my soups, pastas, scrambled eggs, and salads. I’m not fancy enough to attempt a souffle. But its texture allows it to mellow nicely into just about any hot dish. It gives food a bit of body, and a soft savoriness. Surprisingly versatile, it also pairs lovely with crackers and a white wine. (Admittedly, I generally prefer a white wine with all things.)

Marieke Gouda: Truffle
Brick Original: Bon Bree

For reasons unknown, the promised truffle-flavored gouda was not in my Bright Cellars box. Which I was admittedly relieved over, because I’m of the opinion “truffle” is overrated and needs to stop being on every french fry and kernel of popcorn in NYC. Anyhow, in this gouda’s place was a curious bree. Per the card that accompanied it:

This cheese has been a long time coming: resurfacing after almost 30 years, this cheese has made a comeback and is known for its firm texture, creamy taste, and quality production. A pure natural cheese with no preservatives or food coloring, no artificial flavoring and a simple, flavorful dashing of salt, this cheese with quickly become a staple of your cheese board. This cheese is perfect melted over corned beef and with a glass of pinot noir.

That’s actually a solid description of this delightful and bold bree. Instead of the suggested corned beef pairing, I’ve been pairing it with salami on sandwiches, and letting slices melt into sauces. It’s a bit salty and a sliver of sour, bringing a sophisticated flavor across the (cheese) board.

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This is a must for any cheese-lover. While the price is high, the cheese you get isn’t the kind you’re likely to find outside of a specialty shop, so it’s worth the splurge. Plus, Bright Cellars’ Bright Points system promises you’ll be pleased with their personalized picks. I was positively delighted with mine. And if you’re not, contact customer service for a free substitute!

Sending four cheeses each month, Bright Cellars delivers a lavish amount. So it’s not something I’d recommend on the regular. But for “treat yourself” moments and holiday gatherings, this is an ideal subscription service that’ll add some panache to your snacking and poshness to your platters. It’d also make a unique and appreciated gift for the cheese lover in your life.

Special Offer: Pajiba readers can get off 50% off their first package by taking the quiz here.

Check out Subscription Addiction reviews for Level Up, Stitch Fix, Try The World, Darby Smart, Treatsie, Chococurb, Loot Crate, Candy Club, Blue Apron, Bright Cellars, and Julep. In the comments, tell us which subscription service you’d like to see reviewed next.