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Review: A One Person Q and A About Starbucks Iced Pineapple Matcha Drink

By Jodi Smith | Food Porn | March 10, 2020 |

By Jodi Smith | Food Porn | March 10, 2020 |


Me: How are you?

Me: Come on.

Me: Fine. Starbucks Iced Pineapple Matcha Drink: First impression?

Me: It is a nice, springtime green from the matcha made pastel by the addition of the pineapple, ginger, and coconut milk.

Me: And the taste?

Me: I have to say that the pineapple flavor is still muted but more present than in the Iced Golden Ginger Drink I had yesterday. Honestly, I had no idea ginger was a component of this drink and did not taste it at all.

Me: Did you get angry at the matcha? I know the matcha sometimes makes you angry.

Me: Usually matcha is just too bitter or too useless to make me feel any feelings other than anger toward it. It’s in the drink, I want it to accent it or stand out in some way. Maybe increase another flavor or SOMETHING. This time, the matcha wasn’t as bitter as I’m accustomed to and I thought it accounted for the extra pop of creaminess, though I may be delusional.

Me: You may be delusional?

Me: I’m 100% talking to my therapist about you in a couple of weeks if you keep this up.

Me: Uh, the bottom line on the Starbucks Iced Pineapple Matcha Drink?

Me: I drank the entire thing. So it isn’t revolting. But I won’t be ordering it again. Maybe some matcha lovers will have a better experience with the drink, but it was overall forgettable for me.

Me: Well, thank you for your time.

Me: …

Header Image Source: Starbucks