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Marvel Definitely Edited Somebody Out of the 'Avengers: Endgame' Super Bowl Trailer

By Mike Redmond | Film | February 4, 2019 |

By Mike Redmond | Film | February 4, 2019 |


Amongst a boring sea of almost zero touchdowns, something about corn syrup, and way too many reminders of a robot uprising, Marvel dropped a new trailer for Avengers: Endgame during the Super Bowl, and this thing is dark. Literally dark. As in I can barely see what the hell’s happening in half of these scenes.

While the first Endgame trailer has a slightly somber, yet still playful tone, this latest spot is so grim that I’m amazed Batman isn’t gouging out Superman’s face in the background. We finally get a glimpse at the damage Thanos caused on Earth, and how it’s taken its toll on The Avengers: Leftovers edition who are understandably pissed and about to do something about it.

But despite the scant 30 seconds of new footage, eagle-eyed nerdbombers couldn’t help but notice that something was off about some of the scenes. For example, this shot where a character has been edited out between Mark Ruffalo and Don Cheadle. (Have I mentioned this thing is dark as hell?)


This one’s harder to see, but there’s also another character gap in this money shot at the end. (Hint: Look toward the end of the line just behind Rocket Raccoon and Ant-Man.)


And this last one might be just me being an idiot:


As for who’s missing, the obvious theory is Captain Marvel, who online dorks know is absolutely going to pop up and do some crazy shit that Samuel L. Jackson might have spoiled. (Seriously, click at your own risk.) However, the general public has no freakin’ clue about any of that, so it makes sense that Marvel would keep Brie Larson’s presence under wraps, especially during a Super Bowl spot.

There’s also a chance that one of these gaps is Shuri, whose post-Infinity War fate has been shrouded in secrecy. And considering Endgame takes places four years after the Battle for Wakanda, she might be in full-on Black Panther mode as T’Challa’s replacement, which would be dope AF.

But while these are reasonable theories that are almost definitely correct, I’m going to go out on a limb and guess that it’s the most ultimate Avenger of them all:

“My death was the original Snappening. Waddup?”

Source: Polygon