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Trailers You Missed: Tiffany Haddish Stars In This Dark Documentary... Er, COMEDY... About Politics Ruining Family Holidays

By Tori Preston | Film | August 17, 2018 |

By Tori Preston | Film | August 17, 2018 |

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Ya’ll want some trailers? WE GOT SOME TRAILERS RIGHT HERE. Comedies, dramas, comedies that look like dramas, dramas the might be comedies… you won’t know whether to laugh or cry, basically. So just do both. Cover the bases!

The Oath — In select theaters October 12

Ike Barinholtz wrote, directed and stars this dark comedy about how politics are tearing families apart. And like, sure, maybe the tasers and guns and violence are A LITTLE over the top, but the premise? Seems legit to me. Even the fact that the characters are deciding whether or not to sign a “loyalty oath” to the President, and THAT’S what’s fucking up Thanksgiving. What I’m saying is, by the time this movie is in theaters it might be a documentary. But at least it’ll be a documentary starring Tiffany Haddish, Carrie Brownstein, John Cho, Nora Dunn, and Billy Magnussen.

What Men Want — In theaters January 11, 2019
So it’s like that Mel Gibson movie, only instead of a dude learning how women think by listening to them think, this time it’s Taraji P. Henson getting a leg-up on the dudes at her company by… listening to them think. I mean, it’s right there in the title. And look, I want more for Taraji than just gender-flipped Gibson roles (though I’m getting shivers imagining her version of Braveheart or Lethal Weapon), but I also think she’s selling the shit out of this trailer and I’m more into it than I expected I’d be? Despite the fact that it seems to basically be saying “Women will get ahead in life if they learn how to appeal to men.” If nothing else, I’m curious to hear more from Tracy Morgan’s inner voice…

Roma — “Coming soon” to select theaters and on Netflix
Alfonso Cuarón returns with his first film since Gravity, and if you’re looking for a little lighthearted space-survival… um, rewatch Gravity, I guess? Because Roma ain’t that. What it IS, apparently, is a deeply personal story set in Mexico City during the 1970s, following a turbulent year in the life of a middle class family. But the focus is clearly on the matriarchs who navigate the social and racial hierarchy of their world. And also? IT’S BEAUTIFUL. Like, I could happily just watch this trailer for hours.

Green Book — In theaters November 21
Look, I feel like I could just say “This movie stars Viggo Mortensen and Mahershala Ali” and that would be enough. Because it is! Look at them! I want to watch them, forever! But if you want to know more: apparently the plot is based on a true story, about an Italian-American bouncer who was hired to drive and protect a Black pianist on a concert tour from Manhattan to the Deep South in 1962. Some of the beats seem, uh, a little obvious (FRIED FUCKING CHICKEN?!), but the film marks Peter Farrelly’s foray into drama so… honestly, the whole thing could turn into a Dumb and Dumber style trip by the end.

All About Nina — In select theaters September 28
Mary Elizabeth Winstead stars as a comedian in New York City who heads to Los Angeles for a big-deal audition. And, like, she’s good at her career but sucks at dating, but maybe Common will help her not be emotionally fucked up anymore? I dunno. This movie has caught my interest because 1) it’s the first feature film from writer/director Eva Vives, 2) Chace Crawford plays an asshole, 3) I will never get tired of bitter New Yorkers trying to cope with the happy vibes of LA hippies, and 4) Winstead looks like she’s having a blast.