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What Are You Trying To Do To Us, Disney?

By Kristy Puchko | Film | November 12, 2018 |

By Kristy Puchko | Film | November 12, 2018 |


Are you ready for a rollercoaster of emotions? No? Too bad. Because Disney has released the first teaser for Toy Story 4, and it’s a ride.

Watch it below. Then we’ll break it down.

We begin with our beloved sheriff Woody, his expression wide with wonder as he romps across a bright sky dotted with clouds that harkens back to the signature wallpaper in Andy’s bedroom. Then Buzz comes into frame, he’s got a friend in him through every adventure. Then comes Jessie, the rootin’ tootin’ cowgirl, her face alive with joy. Then Mr. and Mrs. Potato, Rex, and hang on…what’s this song. Oh NO.

I’ve looked at clouds from both sides now

From up and down and still somehow

It’s cloud’s illusions I recall

I really don’t know clouds at all

I know this song. But not this version. I know this version.

The version of “Both Sides” now that played over the most devastating scene of Love Actually. And just as the panic begins to spike upon this realization and what it could portend, the Toy Story 4 teaser reveals something new and strange. Amid the familiarity, revelry and joy emerges a panicked figure, his face a harrowing reminder of Edvard Munch’s The Scream.

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His freakout causes chaos, tossing all our beloved toys into the air, sending face parts, coins, and slinkys flying. Then he runs to the camera, his pipe-cleaner arms waving, and bellows, “I’m not a toy!” before running off screaming.

What is going on here? How does this self-proclaimed not-toy factor into the fourth chapter of Toy Story’s saga. Let’s look to the logline for answers:

Woody and Buzz embark on a quest to find Woody’s romantic interest, Bo Peep.

Well, that was positively no help. But hey, yay for the return of Bo Peep, and double-yay for Annie Potts returning to reprise the role of Woody’s beloved shepherdess. After all this time, perhaps she’s just a couple of blocks away!


Maybe there’s a clue in the Toy Story 4 poster. So let’s look at that.


Damn, Disney. That’s beautiful. But also…does this mean this is the end? Like Toy Story felt like the end. Then Toy Story 3 did. But is this really it? Is Woody going to get the girl and then ride off into the sunset for good?! Is that why Tom Hanks said recording the final scene is so “emotional?” Is this why you’re employing Joni Mitchell jams? IS THIS WHY IT’S RAINING ON MY FACE RIGHT NOW!?


Toy Story 4 opens June 21, 2019.