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The Trailer for 'Us,' Jordan Peele's Next Film, Is Finally Here

By Brian Richards | Film | December 26, 2018 |

By Brian Richards | Film | December 26, 2018 |


To say that anticipation has been high for Us, writer/director Jordan Peele’s follow-up to the Academy Award-winning Get Out, would be a massive understatement. Especially with each morsel of information over the last few months. First, there was the casting news and teaser posters that revealed the title of the film. Then there was the recent release of the film’s second poster and an actual plot synopsis, as well as promotional material sent to critics and reporters, which included a pair of golden scissors similar to the ones that appear in the poster.

Finally, there was this tweet, which informed us when we could see a trailer for the film.

And yesterday, on Christmas morning, the wait was over and we all got our very first look (followed by our second, third, fourth, and 815th look, judging from all of the tweets) at the trailer for Peele’s newest film, Us.

Twitter, particularly Black Twitter, had plenty to say about the trailer for Us from the moment it dropped, which should come as a surprise to absolutely no one…

Then there were those who shook their heads at Us being referred to as a “social thriller” instead of a horror film, myself included:

It also didn’t take very long for there to be reaction videos on YouTube, online theories, and 48-tweet-long threads about the trailer, the music in the trailer, the imagery appearing in the trailer, and the significance of/meaning behind said imagery in the trailer all over Twitter. (The last trailer to inspire this much Kermit-flailing and shot-by-shot analysis was the recent trailer for Avengers: Endgame) Which caused a few people to tell Twitter to take it down several dozen notches.

And some of the people being asked/told to curb their enthusiasm over Us didn’t take that request all too well.

And this was all just from the trailer alone. You can only imagine what the reviews, tweets, and think pieces will be like once we finally see all two hours of Us next year.

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Us opens in theaters March 15, 2019.

And for those who are interested in listening to the song featured in the trailer for Us, that song is “I Got 5 On It” by Luniz, and you can listen to it here.