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The Trailer for 'Bohemian Rhapsody' Looks Incredible (Even if the Movie Won't Be)

By Dustin Rowles | Film | May 15, 2018 |

By Dustin Rowles | Film | May 15, 2018 |


The Queen biopic has been in development for ages, and everyone has been attached as the lead. But the movie always seems to fall apart, in part because the surviving members of Queen want a certain kind of movie, one that glosses over the ugly parts and ultimately helps solidify their legacy.

My guess is that, in Bohemian Rhapsody, the estate finally got a take they could live with, and my other guess is that it probably glosses over a lot of the ugly parts, including the film’s director, Bryan Singer, who is never mentioned in the trailer.

But I’ll give it this much: Rami Malek looks great as Freddie Mercury, and it will be a blast to hear those songs for two hours, even if the rest of the movie downplays the warts.