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Ethan Hawke's Next Film Looks Deeply Enjoyable

By Dustin Rowles | Film | March 1, 2019 |

By Dustin Rowles | Film | March 1, 2019 |


Maybe I’m dumb, but I didn’t realize that the term Stockholm Syndrome is owed to an unsuccessful bank robbery in Stockholm back in 1973, involving a man named Jan-Erik Olsson. During the ensuing crisis, Olsson managed to convince the cops to bring in a friend of his from prison, and the two held four hostages in a bank vault for several days. However, they all got to know each other very well during that time, and after the police used tear gas to end the stand-off, the hostages refused to testify against their captors, one of whom “walked around in the vault singing Roberta Flack’s ‘Killing Me Softly.’

Anyway, Ethan Hawke, Noomi Rapace, and Mark Strong will star in what appears to be something of a comedy called Stockholm, and it looks fun. While Stockholm Syndrome is bad, and while I don’t know how many liberties have been taken here (the bank robbers’ names have been changed, at least), it appears that the hostages bond with their hostage-takers in opposition to the corrupt police (there is no indication of an evil police force in the Wikipedia entry).

The outcome in that case is also pretty fascinating, but in case you don’t want real-world events to spoil the movie (assuming the outcome is the same), you can read about it here.