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James Corden Cats.png

The New Trailer for 'Cats' Includes More Dancing, More Cat Puns, More Terror

By Kayleigh Donaldson | Film | November 19, 2019 |

By Kayleigh Donaldson | Film | November 19, 2019 |

James Corden Cats.png

Brace yourselves, my friends! For it is here, at last. After many months of waiting, following on from the first clip that lead to one of the greatest nights in Twitter history, the second trailer for Cats has dropped. I’ve been waiting too long for this, and I don’t even like the musical. I’m just a great appreciator of digital fur technology and am currently hunting for a new appearance to give my sleep paralysis demon.


And on YouTube.

OK, it lacks the sheer surprise of the first trailer, and since we all know what these creatures now look like — with their human hands and feet, uncanny valley face, and questionable tail placement — surely it can’t scare us anymore, right? Ha! Nope, there is still plenty here to make you concerned that the evils of technology have gone too far. The boob jiggling physics are still there! And cat puns. Ugh, so many cat puns. Also, fat jokes about James Corden because even monstrous feline-men can’t escape the tyranny of body-shaming. Corden’s hiss will stay with me for eons.

This trailer also focuses more on the ‘plot’ of Cats, which basically boils down to a bunch of cats singing and dancing to introduce themselves before Judi Dench chooses one to die. Let’s be honest, though: You are not here for the plot. You are here for the riffing, the bafflement, the occasional musical earworm, and pure morbid curiosity. Solidarity, my friend. This may be the end times.

Cats will be released in theaters on December 20.

Header Image Source: YouTube // Universal