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'The Grudge' Remake Trailer Is A Clicking, Flashing Mess Portending The Same Fate For The Flick

By Jodi Smith | Film | October 28, 2019 |

By Jodi Smith | Film | October 28, 2019 |


The original Ju-On: The Grudge, released in 2002, was a deeply unsettling and invasive Japanese horror movie with creepy visuals threaded throughout three seemingly unrelated tales of terror. Since its release, the film had a 2003 sequel in Japan, an American remake in 2004, an American sequel to the American version in 2006, and now? A reborquel coming to us in 2020.

As in the original, The Grdge trailer informs the viewer that when someone dies in the grip of a powerful rage, a curse is born. That curse lives in the home where the death occurred and infects everyone that enters that home (apparently). This reborquel appears to have no intention of changing anything but the setting, with both the original films and the American remakes taking place in Japan but the 2020 release in America.

What can I say about the trailer? You’ve got Lin Shaye doing what she does exclusively, John Cho being wasted in this flick, and Demián Bichir’s voice and presence likely being underutilized as it was in The Nun. Can anyone find a reason to be excited for this movie?

You can see The Grudge on its super spooky January 3, 2020, release date for the week it sits in theaters before being pulled. In the meantime, avoid any bathtubs full of murky, brown substances, as a general rule.

Header Image Source: Ghost House Pictures