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The Final Cut of 'Cats' Made Ian McKellen a Cat Lover and He Needed to Share

By Mae Abdulbaki | Film | December 6, 2019 |

By Mae Abdulbaki | Film | December 6, 2019 |


If the fascinatingly weird Cats trailer wasn’t enough for you to want to watch the film, Sir Ian McKellen himself has now declared himself a “cats” person. In an… odd Twitter post, McKellen claimed that he was never a fan of cats (the animal, not the movie). He was a dog-lover through and through. However, it seems seeing the completed Cats movie changed his mind. That means everyone must now drop what they’re doing and purchase advance tickets to go see what’s sure to be a trippy musical because it was enough to convert McKellen to a cat lover. Right?

Here’s what Ian McKellen wrote in his bizarre and utterly random tweet:

“A confession: I’ve never been a fan of cats. Dogs for me every time, to look at and be friends with. But I’ve just seen the final cut of the imminent “CATS” movie and I’m a convert.”

But, wait. There’s more:

I’m not sure this message did the trick, though. I’m also not over the fact that McKellen (or someone on his team) wrote the words “and omg she can dance!” Really, the primary takeaway is that Sir Ian McKellen wasn’t even convinced enough to become a “fan of cats” until after he’d seen the final cut of the film. Did he not think it would be good when filming??? Was it not purrfect enough then?

The tweet was no doubt meant to spark more interest in the film, I’m sure, especially after so much of the chatter has been about how ridiculous the CGI looks. So bad was the internet’s reaction to it, apparently, that director Tom Hooper revealed the visual effects were altered after the backlash. But don’t worry, the visual effects were only in the early stages anyway and didn’t undergo a Sonic-sized change or anything.

For us mere moviegoers, the Cats trailer provided an ample amount of entertainment and it was ridiculous enough to warrant a lot of questions, including why some cats are not wearing clothing. However, I’m sure Universal Pictures didn’t appreciate the fact that their musical masterpiece had become the butt of a joke.

Cats will be in theaters December 20, 2019.

Header Image Source: Universal Pictures