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The 'Fast X' Trailer Is Here

By Dustin Rowles | Film | February 10, 2023 |

By Dustin Rowles | Film | February 10, 2023 |


Here it is, two days ahead of the Super Bowl (where I expect a shorter version will air): The trailer for Fast X, the tenth film in the Fast & Furious franchise. Everyone who’s ever been in one of these Fast & Furious movies is back except for Dwayne Johnson and Paul Walker (RIP). They have been replaced by all the famous people. All of them: Rita Moreno, Helen Mirren, Brie Larson, Jason Momoa, and Alan Ritchson (putting Ritchson and surly Cena in the same film is going to be confusing).

The trailer’s highlight comes with the return of Charlize Theron’s character, who appears at the end for about 15 seconds in what I imagine is the majority of her screen time in this film. No one looks cooler throwing punches than Charlize (or her stunt double).

Here’s the logline:

In 2011’s Fast Five, Dom and his crew took out nefarious Brazilian drug kingpin Hernan Reyes and decapitated his empire on a bridge in Rio De Janeiro. What they didn’t know was that Reyes’ son, Dante (Jason Momoa), witnessed it all and has spent the last 12 years masterminding a plan to make Dom pay the ultimate price.

Dante’s plot will scatter Dom’s family from Los Angeles to the catacombs of Rome, from Brazil to London and from Portugal to Antarctica. New allies will be forged and old enemies will resurface. But everything changes when Dom discovers that his own 8-year-old son is the ultimate target of Dante’s vengeance.

The film from director Louis Leterrier opens on May 19th.