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Steven Spielberg Will Not Direct the Fifth 'Indiana Jones' Movie But a More than Suitable Replacement May Have Been Found

By Kayleigh Donaldson | Film | February 26, 2020 |

By Kayleigh Donaldson | Film | February 26, 2020 |

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After many years of development, a fifth Indiana Jones movie is in the works, with a tentative release date scheduled for July 9, 2021. Even with a less-than-beloved fourth film under its belt, the original trilogy remains one of the most beloved series in Hollywood history. For four films, the franchise has been helmed by the legendary Steven Spielberg, with George Lucas and Lawrence Kasdan typically by his side. Now, it seems that Spielberg will not be returning to the world of Dr. Jones, meaning that the reins of this cinematic titan will be handed over to a new director for the very first time. According to Variety, that man may be James Mangold.

Hot off the successes of Logan and Ford v Ferrari, Mangold seems like a robust choice for this franchise. He’s very much cut from the cloth of old-school studio directors, he can handle a big budget as well as a pre-established IP, and he’s beloved by dads around the world looking for a movie to watch while they eat their Sunday morning bacon sandwich and wait for the football results (hi, dad!) This is a franchise that needs someone in-tune with the influences of Indiana Jones as well as Spielberg’s own blockbuster prowess. In that respect, Mangold may be perfect, but jeez, an Indiana Jones movie without Spielberg directing still feels weird.

Variety says nothing is set in stone yet, and that Spielberg will be a hands-on producer as he passes the whip and hat on to a new generation. Well, new-ish. Harrison Ford will still be there, remaining as grouchy as ever, and the script was recently given a second pass by Jonathan Kasdan, son of Lawrence and one of the writers of Solo: A Star Wars Story, a movie that deserved better, dammit!

Indy’s taken on Nazis, Soviet spies, ghosts, the Holy Grail, some wildly racist Indian stereotypes, and Shia Labeouf. Where can he go from here? Well, Nazis are sadly back in fashion, and I’m always up for seeing the world’s hottest archaeologist punch more Nazis.

And now, let us appreciate the eye-melting hotness of Harrison Ford as Indiana Jones. You’re welcome.

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(Gif via

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