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Mysterio Spider-Man Far From Home (1).png

'Spider-Man: Far From Home' Sends Spidey On A Eurotrip... WITH JAKE GYLLENHAAL

By Tori Preston | Film | January 15, 2019 |

By Tori Preston | Film | January 15, 2019 |

Mysterio Spider-Man Far From Home (1).png

Peter Parker is doing pretty well for a pile of Thanos-dust, if this teaser trailer for his upcoming solo sequel is to be believed:

So, let’s unpack this:

— Hey, Aunt May. You’re still Marisa Tomei. You look great. This is very important. I want to be you.

— The trailer introduces Jake Gyllenhaal as Mysterio, but… he’s not a villain? And he dresses like Thor? And he’s fighting bad guys that look like Sandman and Hydro-man? There’s gotta be a twist, right? Jake’s actually Loki, isn’t he?

— I guess it was only a matter of time before Nick Fury got involved with Peter. I mean, he IS like the best spy or whatever. It’s not like he wouldn’t figure out who Spider-Man was. But more importantly: MORE SAMUEL L. JACKSON IN EVERYTHING! And Maria Hill too!

— This European field trip conceit works for me, because one of the best parts of the Tom Holland iteration of Spidey is that he exists in a very tangible teenage world, with classmates and teachers and awkward flirting and… well, field trips!

— Check out the initials on Peter’s suitcase… It’s Uncle Ben’s! But also, damn dude, invest in a Tumi. Sentimental attachment ain’t gonna keep your shit from getting jacked up by baggage handlers!

— The film comes out July 5th, which is well after Avengers: Endgame. So either this trailer is the most obvious spoiler in the world and is revealing that the Avengers are gonna beat Thanos and un-dust everyone, or it… takes place before all that Thanos business. Or is in a separate timeline or alternate reality! Really, there are so many comic booky excuses for this type of thing, and ultimately it doesn’t matter because we’re all gonna watch anyway.

— Also, Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse has done a number on me, because as cool as this is… it still needs more Miles Morales.

— I’m already Team “‘Sup, Dickwad” Kid.