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Pokemon Detective Pikachu.png

The Latest 'POKÉMON Detective Pikachu' Trailer Tries To Convince Us This Is A Real Movie And Not An Elaborate Hoax

By Kristy Puchko | Film | February 27, 2019 |

By Kristy Puchko | Film | February 27, 2019 |

Pokemon Detective Pikachu.png

Pokémon Detective Pikachu would have you believe this is a real movie that is really coming out in May. On paper, it sounds like a real movie. It’s based on a popular video game that branched into a manga, cartoon series, trading card game, animated movies, and cultural obsession that enjoyed a revival when the app game Pokémon Go brought its pocket monster-catching quest to the real world. Of course, a studio would want to bankroll another Pokémon movie. Naturally, they’d want to appeal to kids and grown-ups to make that box office bank. So for the kiddos, there’s a young star to relate to, plus a slew of silly creatures that will be available for sale in a toy store near you. For adults, there will be nostalgia, but also a bit of more mature humor, and as gravy, the snarking of Deadpool’s Ryan Reynolds.

On paper, I get it. And then you show me the trailer for Pokémon Detective Pikachu, and I cannot believe Warner Bros. is letting any movie get this damn weird!

This will either be a glorious mess or the greatest film of all time. That is if this is not just an elaborate hoax.

Pokémon Detective Pikachu “opens” May 10.