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Kevin Smith Teases 'Clerks 4' In the Heartfelt Trailer For His Latest, 'The 4:30 Movie'

By Andrew Sanford | Film | July 29, 2024 |

By Andrew Sanford | Film | July 29, 2024 |

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Movies are magic. They transport us to other worlds. I know it’s camp, but Nicole Kidman’s speech for AMC is spot on. There is an indescribable feeling when the lights begin to dim, dagnabbit. That kind of magic inspires filmmakers to do what they do. Some of them wear that inspiration on their sleeve, baking it into every project they work on. Kevin Smith is one of those filmmakers.

I started watching Kevin Smith’s movies when I was a teenager. They hit me at exactly the right time. There was something raw about them. They made movies feel achievable. Even the big ones! Smith could have a big-budget film laden with stars and it still feels like he’s hanging out with his friends (complimentary). The dialogue felt like a new fine-tuned version of conversations I’d had with other movie-loving friends. Because what was most clear was that Smith loved movies as much as I did.

Even when he’s at his most bizarre, Kevin Smith is always Kevin Smith. You can tell if you are watching one of his movies. Part of that is because he often writes the movies he directs. The other reason is that he puts his whole self into his films. You can always feel his sensibilities, whether you agree with them or not. The man loves making movies, and now, he’s bringing his inspiration to the big screen.

Smith’s next film is called The 4:30 Movie. It’s about teens in 1986 going to the movies. One of them is trying to go on a date with his high school crush. Hijinks ensue. The trailer, released this morning, is delightful. Smith has assembled a talented cast of young actors (as well as a slew of old favorites). He’s working with a new cinematographer who is shooting the heck out of it. It looks like a blast!

There’s something very heartfelt about the trailer. Smith’s love of going to the movies is front and center. He’s pulling from childhood memories of going to the greatest place on Earth. It is incredibly infectious. There is a glow to how everything looks, filtered through the director’s nostalgia. Even at its silliest, there is an earnest sincerity. I’m hyped for this movie and I can’t wait to go see it on a big screen with some snacks and some friends.