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Jason Momoa Says Henry Cavill is Still Superman If Anyone Even Cares At This Point

By Mike Redmond | Film | December 14, 2018 |

By Mike Redmond | Film | December 14, 2018 |


Earlier in the week, Jason Momoa was remarkably chatty about the future of the DC Extended Universe or lack thereof. He had no problem talking about his fellow Justice League actors in the past tense and even justified their exits by openly wondering who the hell wants to do more than three of these things? Which is really not something you want the guy front-lining the latest tentpole in your ailing cinematic universe to be saying. So it sure seems like somebody at Warner Bros. pulled Momoa aside and said, “Hey, could you maybe pretend everything is going great? And also please don’t crush me my god you’re huge.”

Entertainment Tonight reports:

Henry Cavill will not be taking off Superman’s cape anytime soon, his Justice League co-star, Jason Momoa, revealed at the Aquaman premiere at Hollywood’s TCL Chinese Theatre on Wednesday.

“I just talked to Henry… He’s absolutely not [leaving the character],” Momoa told ET’s Melicia Johnson. “He loves the character. He’s not. One hundred percent.”

“It’s absolutely [not going to happen],” he insisted.

Is Henry Cavill actually staying? Who knows? But what I do know is that Momoa’s tone and facial expression tell a completely different story in the clip below, and that story is “Welp, I’m super pissed that I’ll look like a dick if none of this is true.”

I love how the anchor who wasn’t even there is terrified at Momoa’s reaction. In fairness, nobody wants to be Aquaman, and now he’s got Warner Bros. breathing down his neck about talking out of school. That’s a shit sandwich. However, it’s notable that Amy Adams hasn’t had to walk back her remarks that she’s out of the DC Universe because it’s being “revamped.” That’s pretty telling sign that Adams fulfilled her contract by knocking out three movies, and according to Jason Momoa, nobody wants to be in a shared universe longer than that. Seriously, who does that?